„Libertad o Muerte!“ available now!
Colonial Supplement NOW AVAILABLE!
Welcome to the world of “Triumph & Tragedy”. “T & T” is a tabletop adventure wargame designed for a number of players, starting from two, but working just as well as a multiplayer game. If you can get a friend to act as an umpire, it can greatly improve the game by adding chance or unexpected events as well as having a ruling instance. It is not strictly necessary, however.
The focus of the current “T & T” rules is on the Great War and the “Interwar years” from 1914-c1939, allowing players to re-enact adventures in such diverse settings as Russia, China and India, as well as South America. One of the first upcoming supplements will focus on the Spanish Civil War, which, due to its confusing, diverse and fascinating nature, lends itself well to adventure gaming.
To play a game of “T & T”, players will require the following:
1. Some wargame miniatures for each player. “T & T .” does not require large numbers of figures, a dozen or so will work for starters, but you can easily expand to games with some 30 or more figures per player. There are a number of excellent manufacturers who provide fine miniatures for the various settings; a list of recommended manufacturers can be found at the back of this booklet. You may also include some vehicles, but to start with, it might be better to only use infantry, since it will be easier to get into the rules.
2. A set of order cards for each player, as supplied with these rules.
3. One unit card for each of the players´ units, which details the stats and initiative ratings and is required for establishing the sequence of play.
4. A number of dice is needed. The types of dice used in the game are six-sided dice and ten-sided dice (referred to as “d6” and “d10” for short). In general, the d10 are required for determining combat results, whereas the d6 are used for various checks, “morale” “ skill” and “score” checks using 2d6 (roll two six-sided dice and add the results).
5. In addition to the miniatures, model terrain is helpful in creating a fascinating game. Many gamers will have a collection of terrain to use, so simply use what you have at hand and think suits the setting.
6. Finally, as noted in the introductory paragraph, an umpire or “game master” can greatly add to the fun by handling rules disputes, and, more importantly, design and direct scenarios which provide for more interesting games than the usual “line-´em-up and slug-it-out” type of games.
IT IS NOT STRICTLY NECESSARY to include a game-master, such as in true RPGs; nonetheless, we have found it is a great way to take a break from the usual wargame run.
Copyright ©2007-2008 Björn Reichel